About Mike
Mike was born and raised in Indianapolis and showed an interest in trade work and construction from an early age. He took classes in school for architectural drafting and attended a union trade school for electricians, performing at the top of his class.
In 2005, Mike started his own electrical business. As the company grew, he started offering plumbing and mechanical services too. Offering all three trades made him a valuable asset to many general contractors, propelling his business even further.
Mike spent the next several years making connections throughout Indianapolis, building relationships, and adding to his team of technicians. The number of projects the company took on increased, and soon most of his time was spent at the local permit office, applying for trade permits. While there, it was not uncommon for Mike to see homeowners come in for building permits or assistance with violations, and they would struggle to comprehend the information that the city was providing. With the experience Mike had gained over his years in the field, he was able to offer assistance to these homeowners by showing them exactly what to draw on their plans to get them approved. Drafting blueprints came easy to Mike because of his background as a union electrician and the courses he took in school.
Mike’s drafting services and permit advice became so popular that the city’s own employees began sending homeowners directly to him for help! Always in search of new opportunities, he began selling his services in permit expediting and architectural drafting. Through word of mouth alone, Mike’s business continued to flourish.
As Mike’s skills with drafting improved, he began designing new homes for people, which sparked an interest in home building. Excited about the prospect of building a home that he had designed himself, and ready to take his business to the next level, Mike obtained his general contractor’s license and rebranded himself as Rivera Group LLC in 2013. Over the next few years, Mike carefully selected a team of builders and a dedicated staff of drafters, permit specialists, and project managers. His company now offers a wide variety of residential and commercial services including new construction and remodel work, electrical, plumbing, and mechanical installation, building design, land use petitions, and permit expediting.
Mike is still involved in every part of the business and can usually be found meeting with new clients, overseeing our construction projects, or drafting his latest custom home design.
Contact Us
1073 Oliver Avenue
Indianapolis, Indiana 46221
Phone (317) 328-1704
Fax (317) 328-1756